Elín Margot is designer researcher  educator currently Programme Director of the BA Product Design at the Iceland University of the Arts.

Her design work is characterised by a strong advocacy and constant research in involving the public-user in the design of our near-future day-to-day lives. Through the design of objects, events, or experiences, she creates situations that challenge the current status quo and offer glimpses into potential futures. Leveraging the narrative power of objects, she confronts users with disruptive ideologies and immerse them in prospective tomorrows. Her work has been developing toward (re)designing mundane things such as forks and knives with a behavioural and/or technological twist that points toward more sustainable ways of being.

Design work
2024 & up-coming

Trash Feast, for Listahátíð, Reykjavík (IS).

Super Futures, curation of a student exhibition in collaboration with Krónan, Reykjavík (IS).


Fró(u)n, self-initiated project, Reykjavík (IS).

Click’work, project for “Handverk” groupshow at Designmarch, Reykjavík (IS).


Waste Feast, self-initiated project in collaboration with Mata, Reykjavík (IS).

Carnal Dinner, self-initiated project, Reykjavík (IS).


RUSL FEST, self-initiated project in collaboration with various companies, institutions designers and artists, Reykjavík (IS).

MÁL/TÍÐ, event series for Reykjavík Art Museum, Reykjavík (IS).

Read The Room, event series, Flæði gallery, Reykjavík (IS).

This tale carries its beginning in a bag for Walking Landscape, Performance Festival, Metropolis Aarhus (DK).

Hooch: fermenting communities workshop for Food Sharing, Aarhus (DK).

Lots of trouble, lots of kin to be going on with for the group show “I am thinking about sitting down on the ground -Tales of/on/with MotherLands,” Midpunkt gallery, Kópavogur (IS).

The end of me, the beginning of you for the group show “Yes, a falling tree makes a sound (and it has a lot to say),” Kling og Bang gallery, Reykjavík (IS).

Interspecies Mothering workshop for “Yes, a falling tree makes a sound (and it has a lot to say),” Kling og Bang gallery, Reykjavík (IS).


Carnal Appetite self-initiated research project, Reykjavík (IS).

Money Shot, installation for Plan B art festival, Borgarnes (IS).


Arc-en-ciel, design of public infrastructure, for Manosque town with La Rallonge Design Studio, Manosque (FR).

PastaData, Useful Fictions symposium, École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris (FR).

Deb[eat]e, food event series, several locations, Reykjavík (IS).


Care4u, performance for “Forms of Life” group exhibition, The Nordic House, Reykjavík (IS).

Du corps_ à l’ouvrage, research and graduation project from the DSAA Service Design (FR).

Teaching & Academic work
Programme Director
at the Icelandic University of the
Arts for the BA Product Design with occasional teaching in the MA Design, BA Product Design, BA Fine Art and MA Fine Art.

Guest Teacher
at the Icelandic University of the Arts within the BA Product Design and MA Design program.

Fablab Facilitator/Educator
at Strasbourg’s Fablab within a self-initiated collaborative project including Strasbourg’s hospital.

MA Exploration & Translation
Iceland University of the Arts, Reykjavík, IS.

DSAA Public Service Design
In Situ Lab, Strasbourg, FR. 2013-2015

BTS Product Design
Burgundy Applied Art Superior School (ÉSAAB), Nevers, FR.

Applied Art Baccalaureate
René Descartes Highschool, Cournon d’Auvergne, FR.